A CPA, financial planner, hospice nurse & spiritual advisor join together to create a program that guides you through financial and life challenges.
10 episodes
About Wills
This week Wendy gives you a brief overview on wills, and why its important to have one!You can also find video versions of our podcast on our YouTube page: https://youtu.be/Cnp0QkaBY-oThis podcast is an excerpt from an upcoming ...
Season 1
Episode 10
Saving for a Car
In the same vein as last week's episode on budgeting to keep your house in good repair, this week Wendy is going to give you an overview of how to save for a car- starting from when you don't think you'll need to get a new one any time soon.
Season 1
Episode 9
Keeping Your House From Falling Down
This week's GYDSU episode is for all you homeowners and future homeowners out there. Wendy goes over the basic budgeting and saving guidelines for keeping a house in good repair.You can also find video versions of our podcast on our You...
Season 1
Episode 8
Naming Names
On this week's episode of GYDSU, Wendy is going to talk to you about prepping a list of names for once you've passed. People that should be contacted first, your social groups and long distance friends- something to make the process easier on y...
Season 1
Episode 7
Health Care Proxies
This week on GYDSU, Wendy will talk about Health Care Proxies, Living Wills and 5 Wishes.You can also find video versions of our podcast on our youtube page: https://youtu.be/v8vmEmNPfsEThis podcast is an excerpt from an upcomin...
Season 1
Episode 6
Paperwork to Keep or Throw Out
Ever wonder how long you actually need to hold on to old tax returns and other official paperwork? Wendy goes over the best guidelines for your at home filing. You can also find video versions of our podcast on our youtube page: ht...
Season 1
Episode 5
Password Managers: Lastpass
Always writing passwords down and then losing them? Wendy talks digital password managers and their benefits, using the program Lastpass as an example. You can also find video versions of our podcast on our youtube page: https://ww...
Season 1
Episode 4
The Survivor's Checklist: What to do right away
We've heard what our resident CPA and financial planner has to say about what to do after the passing of a loved one. Now GYDSU's resident hospice nurse gives her thoughts abut what needs to be done right away.Visit https://www.gydsu.co...
Season 1
Episode 3
Wendy's Survivor's Checklist: 10 minutes
A brief overview of things to keep in mind in the first few minutes, hours, and days after the death of a loved one.Visit https://www.gydsu.com/survivors-checklist-first-hours/ and sign up to receive a free Survivor's Checklist PDF in y...
Season 1
Episode 2